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All of Anthony Fauci’s flip flops, and we aren’t talking about shoes

Anthony Fauci wasn’t a household name before March of 2020, but he quickly rose from an appointed medical advisor to…

By Mike Johnson , in Health Opinion Politics US , at May 29, 2021 Tags: , , ,

Anthony Fauci wasn’t a household name before March of 2020, but he quickly rose from an appointed medical advisor to multiple presidents and director of NIAD to a personality that commanded god-like authority over all guidance on how the United States (and largely the world) could conduct their daily lives for more than an entire year.

An icon and a hero to some Americans, Fauci has been idolized, trusted and respected by many, but he has also been the target of harsh criticism by a large portion of America for his perceived “flip flops”, where many say that he created confusion with the guidance he provided in venues such as press conferences, congressional hearings, and even private interviews with social media influencers on platforms like YouTube and Facebook.

We’re going to highlight these instances in an attempt to explain exactly why many Americans don’t trust Anthony Fauci. Believe it or not, people don’t distrust him because of some wild theory involving 5G, NASA coverups and a satanic cult headed by Bill Gates, they lost confidence in Dr. Fauci just by listening to him speak.

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Mask on? Mask off? A yearlong saga of confusion…

On March 8th, 2020, 60 minutes published a video from an interview with Fauci asking him a simple question: “Should we be wearing masks?” His response was “Right now, in the United States, people should not be walking around wearing masks”. He went on to clarify that “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask, it might make people “feel” better, but it doesn’t provide the perfect protection that people think that it is” [paraphrased]. It’s worth noting that the NIH, CDC and NIAD have had decades to prepare this answer, as the main threat to any large country in terms of disease is a viral pandemic. This answer should have been the correct one, and we wouldn’t have been surprised to hear him say something like “better safe than sorry, wear a mask!”, but that wasn’t the initial answer.

On April 3rd, 2020 PBS NewsHour published an interview with Fauci where he stressed masking as an essential practice for all Americans, although he did not highlight the need for mandates. He went on to say that any material available, even a bandana could and should be used as a mask, but specified that N95 masks should be reserved for healthcare workers. One specifically confusing quote to many was “Importantly, I think what people don’t fully appreciate is that putting a mask on yourself is more to prevent you from infecting someone else. And if everybody does that, we’re each protecting each other”. This statement triggered a logical trap where it could be equally interpreted that masks were for either “someone else”, “protecting yourself”, or for “everybody”, and from this interview on America has dealt with the confusion and fallout from statements like these from Anthony Fauci.

On Jan 25th, almost one year later, Fauci expressed that “It’s common sense” to wear two facemasks. At this point in the pandemic, many viewed this as an endorsement to wear two masks, although Fauci’s statements really only basically said “It’s cool with me if you want to do that” and official CDC guidance did not change to support this as the standard. This statement still left many Americans wondering if they had in-fact not been protected with just one mask for the past year, many expressed that they would have liked to know this back in April, when the initial recommendations came out.

On March 18th, PBS NewsHour published part of a senate committee hearing exchange between Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) and Anthony Fauci.

During the exchange senator Paul pointed out that requiring fully vaccinated people to mask was not backed on science, a point that Fauci viciously contended, citing that masks were valuable protection and that they should still be worn due to the different outbreak variants emerging around the world.

Barely a month later the CDC completely reversed guidance that had just a week previously stated that fully vaccinated people could not take their masks off in most situations, and now said that fully vaccinated people could now remove their masks in almost any scenario excluding public transit and a few other scenarios.

NBC News published an interview with Fauci on May 13th where Fauci said he feels “very good” about the decision. People “need to get the feel that we’re approaching some form of normality,”. In this interview he fully supported mask removal for the vaccinated, while just a month prior had vehemently defended that masks stay on in the exchange with Senator Paul.

The big one…

Likely the most significant flip-flop in Fauci’s entire career, which honestly boils down to an outright lie, Fauci testified during the same Senate Health Committee hearing on COVID-19 where he had defended that masks stay on for vaccinated people, when questioned about funding gain of function research through the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Fauci expressed that no funding had taken place.

“Senator Paul, with all due respect you are entirely and completely incorrect that the NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain of function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology”.

If you look at this exact quote closely, you’ll find that this follows a theme of many of Fauci’s public statements. – “you are entirely and completely incorrect that the NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain of function research”, even as we interpret this statement in the most literal form of English, he actually says it’s incorrect that they have not ever done this. If you follow this logic, this statement says that they have, although his tone indicates that the NIH did not.

Eventually during the hearing, Senator Paul cites the specific grant from NIH that provided the money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and Fauci says “Let me tell you why that was done”. After Fauci had just said that the NIH had never provided this funding, he was quickly able to provide a thorough explanation for exactly why that funding was provided. This is why many view this as an outright deception, and for many it puts the final nail in the coffin for their confidence with Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Fauci later goes on to express at a later hearing that he supported an investigation into the origins of COVID-19, stating that he is “not convinced” that the virus developed naturally. He goes onto state, “I think that we should continue to investigate what went on in China, until we find out to the best of our ability exactly what happened”.

It’s worth noting that Dr. Fauci had previously supported the origin theory of random animal to human transmission, and had not been an advocate for any sort of investigation into Chinese gain of function research.

These flip-flops and downright lies are a huge issue for someone who has been supported as the sole provider of truth for how we should conduct our daily lives as Americans, and hundreds of thousands are now supporting the hashtag #FireFauci. We have to say, after looking at all of the contradictions he’s made it’s easy to understand why many Americans have lost confidence in Fauci.

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